Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mother's Day Breakfast

Mother's Day is one of the most important celebrations; mothers are most people's number one supporters, heroes, fans and they're our best friends. I love this day because I love to spoil my mom with my food and spend all day with her :) 
Below is what I made my mom this year for her special day. Coffee was of course served with the meal! She enjoyed it very much; my dad was very jealous that it wasn't Fathers Day! 

Breakfast Muffins
2 medium potatoes, shredded
1 ball of fresh mozzarella
1 can of sundried tomatoes
1 dozen eggs
1/2 cup of kale, chopped
salt and pepper
1/2 Tbs dried oregano
a couple of leaves of fresh basil

Makes about 10-12 muffins!

1.) Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, and oil muffin pan.
2.) Place shredded potatoes on a couple of sheets of paper towels and pat down with another paper towel. This is to take some water out of the potatoes, it will help them crisp up in the oven (very important step!)
3.) Place potatoes in a bowl and toss with 1/2 tsp of salt, pepper and dried oregano. Then press mixture onto sides and bottom into muffin cups.
4.) Layer the muffins with a few pieces of kale on top of potatoes, followed by a piece of sundried tomato, a slice of mozzarella cheese.
5.) Break an egg on top of all the layers. Lightly sprinkle with a pinch of salt and pepper. Place in oven for 20-30 minutes (or until egg on top is cooked the way you like it to be).
6.) Take out of oven and let rest about 5 minutes. Lightly remove each muffin and serve immediately!

Perfect Breakfast Parfaits
1 jar of any flavor jam (I used Polish jam made from favorite :) )
1/2 cup of fresh chopped strawberries, blackberries or blueberries (you can also use one or more types of berries and they can also be frozen ones that have been thawed)
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
1 Tbs sour cream
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1 Tbs honey
1/4 cup of cooked oatmeal
1/2 sliced banana

Makes 1 big parfait or 2 smaller ones.
I made 1 big one for my mamma :)

1.) Mix yogurt, sour cream, lemon juice and honey together in a bowl. I know sour cream sounds weird in this mixture, but it adds creamy-ness and flavor to the dish! Its also not that much, so don't worry about breaking your diet if you're on one.
2.) In a pretty, tall glass (you want to be able to see the layers of the parfait), begin layering with a tsp of jam, followed by a few berries. Then pour about 1/3 of the yogurt. Follow by another layer of jam and a few berries. Add 1/2 of the oatmeal to this layer. Pour over another 1/3 of yogurt. Add one last layer of jam, berries, the rest of the oatmeal and yogurt. Top with banana slices. You may add a sprig of mint for decoration!


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